number one on this list is the sweet potato
this is the ultimate skin super food, it is packed with Vitamin A & Beta Carotene, an antioxidant which protects your skin from sun damage as well as everyday wear and tear. If you look at the high end face creams most likely sweet potato will be one of its top ingredients. It also holds a high potassium level which can help with muscle cramping. After an intense work out eating a whole sweet potato as well as a side of spinach will lessen your chances of sore muscles the next day.
Going Green- Spinach, Kale, Broccoli, Swiss Chard & Asparagus
the combination of Beta Carotene, Folate, Vitamin C, and Iron all help your hair follicles keep healthy and your natural scalp oils circulating. keeping greens in your diet consistently will improve your hair, skin, and nails almost instantly.
Kiwi, Oranges, Lemons, & Grapefruit
All four fruits contain high levels of Vitamin E which protect your skin from degeneration. they also boost your skins collagen, aiding as a natural anti-aging agent. so forget the creams and serums just boost your intake in these fruits, especially kiwis. Slice pinwheels of orange, lemon, and grapefruit and let them marinate in water for 15 minutes, chill and enjoy drinking from your very own fountain of youth.
Black, White, & Green Tea
Tea is literally the most amazing thing you can do for your skin because of Flavonoids, which are antioxidants that strengthen your blood vessels and stabilize your natural elastin and collagen levels. Green Tea is the best of all due its vast amount of health benefits as well as how jam packed with antioxidants it is. green tea is also a healthier alternative to coffee.
of all the berries, blueberries have the highest level of antioxidants which you know by now are amazing for you and prevent premature aging while helping your skin attain its natural glow. they also help boost your immune system and combat bloating. If you dont like them plain, try picking up dark chocolate covered blueberries from trader joes, they are a perfect snack alternative.
Sunflower Seeds & Almonds
Both of these are awesome for your skin, they protect against UV rays and have tons of Vitamin E, helping your skin glow beyond belief. try sprinkling these on top of salads to up your intake or just carry around a little bag to snack on throughout the day, your skin will thank you.
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